Dancity festival

electronic music and digital arts festival

Zombie Zombie FRA, Versatile Records


Saturday, June 29th 2013 // 22,30 // Palazzo Candiotti

Cosmic Neman: drums, percussion, vox, rototoms, bongos, maracas, tambourine..
Etienne Jaumet: synthesizers, analog modular drum machines, effects, vox
Doctor Schonberg: drums, percussion, rototoms, bongos, maracas, tambourine..

Last year, while all the prophecies were to be fulfilled, Zombie Zombie released a new album on Versatile Records, entitled "Rituels d’un Nouveau Monde" .
Behind this mysterious title, the band offers a vast program, no frills, but the urge to take a new direction in their instrumental music after their masterful 2010 effort at horror movie music ("Zombie Zombie plays John Carpenter").
At the helm, Etienne Jaumet (synthesizers, analog modular drum machines, effects, vox) and Cosmic Neman (drums, percussion, vox, rototoms, bongos, maracas, tambourine...) and the French electro-wizard Joakim behind the controls in his own analog studio "Labyrinth" in Paris.


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